e-Mail Subscriptions
Offer your web site viewers the capability to subscribe or unsubscribe online to any of the email subscription lists that you would offer.
Your municipality can easily add other types of e-mail lists to your web site for online subscriptions, to enhance communications from the municipality to its constituents. By offering online subscriptions to e-mail newsletters, your municipality can significantly reduce labor, printing and postage costs associated with physical copies of newsletters or brochures that would otherwise be regularly mailed.
* NOTE: After you click the function to submit your subscription request, please check your e-mail for the verification email which you'll send a reply to complete the subscription registration.
- Emergency E-Mail Notifications
Subscribe online to this list to receive e-mail notifications of emergency news or announcements from the municipality.
- Planning Board Mailing List
Subscribe to this list to receive notices and agendas for upcoming meetings.
- Recreation Mailing Lists
Subscribe to this list to receive notices about upcoming events, registration deadlines and other important information from the municipal recreation department.
- Street Closings or Local Traffic-Related Information
Subscribe here to be informed of all street closings.
- Town Council Newsletter (Agendas & Minutes)
Subscribe here to receive e-mails of Town Council minutes or other Council-related news items.
- Tax E-Mail Notifications
Receive tax related notifications from the tax department. Receive email reminders about when tax payments are due and make online tax payments directly to the municipality.
- Test List