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Tax Bill Payment - NERIC

Making your tax payment online is fast, easy, and safe. In just a few minutes, your transaction will be complete. You can choose to pay by a Bank Account ACH Payment (e-Check) or by a Credit Card Payment.

Enter the information from your tax bill for the taxes currently being collected. Click the "Continue" button to proceed with the online payment process. You will then be asked to enter additional information before your transaction is completed.

Enter the Bill number and the S/B/N (Section/Block/Lot) number from your bill.
School Tax
**Enter the SBL exactly as printed in the upper-right side of your bill. The Bill number is to the left of this information. Include all periods (.), dashes(-), Slashes (/), and letters. NO BLANK SPACES. For example 20.8-35-7 or 25.7.2-5.17./509


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