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Bids & RFPs

Welcome to the YourTown Bids & Requests for Proposals web site module. Each client has the capability to manage the display of RFB's, RFP's or RFQ's on the municipal web site for vendor review and responses. 

Clients could use the web site to supply copies of the various purchase documents to qualified vendors by either displaying those documents on the site, or enabling qualified vendors to order and pay for copies via the web site.

Reference ID Advertise Date Opening Date Title Dept./Org.
Admin-001 11/01/2016 01/01/2017 Fill potholes along Main Street Administration
00001-10 03/12/2016 03/19/2016 Install Solar Panel Field
Bid to construct solar panel field.
Public Works
Rec-002 01/01/2016 03/31/2016 Build a new recreation field
2 baseball fields & 1 soccer field Bid Awarded to: Field Associates Inc.
General-003 01/01/2016 03/28/2016 Provide sand for our athletic fields
Supply and apply sand to our baseball athletic fields at the municipal sport complex for the 2009 baseball season.
None - General
General-004 01/01/2016 04/28/2016 Tree trimming on Oak Avenue
Trim the trees along Main Street.
Public Works