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Forms Center

The Information Forms Center provides you access to an online repository of downloadable documents and forms available anywhere that you have Internet access.

These forms can be a PDF type that can be read using Adobe Acrobat Reader. To download Acrobat Reader click on the icon.



~A Demonstration Department
  • A Department Form
Animal Control
  • Animal Registration
      • Every dog in New York State which is more than 6 months old must be licensed.
      • The state fee is reduced if the dog is spayed or neutered.
      • Current rabies vaccination information is kept on file for each dog and must be included in any license renewal.
      • The Dog Control Law requires that any dog not on its owner's property be under the visual and voice supervision of a responsible person. Dogs in violation of the code may be picked up by the fulltime Dog Control Officer.
      • The law stipulates that owners pay both a redemption fee and a fine for violating the code.
    • Sample Form
  • Clerk's Office
    • Block Party Application Form
      Click the application to open it in a new browser window; then fill-in and complete the application, save it to your PC, then at the completed form prompt in the online application process select it from your PC to attach and submit it with your online application submission and payment.
Police Department
  • Vehicle
Town Council
  • Town Council Public Meetings
      Document Information Center for Town Council Public-Meetings
    • 11/20/02 Document Package
      11/20/02 Public-Meeting Documentation