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Mayor / Supervisor's Online Office

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  • Mayor / Supervisor's Online Office

Let your Mayor/Supervisor communicate online to the residents in a separate Mayor/Supervisor web site application section. Include photos, images, reports or other information, as well as an email link, so that the Supervisor/Mayor can be in daily contact with the constituents.

The Cit-e-Net solution provides the mayor with the capability to electronically archive and create a library of her (his) past messages, speeches or other documentation to the town to display online via the municipal web site.

Beverly Johnston
(January 15, 1999 to January 14, 2004)

Beverly Johnston has been a lifelong resident of Your Town. Born here in 1945 she left briefly to attend Yale University earning a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Political Science. In 1968 she went to work at ABC Manufacturing as a Vice-President of Product development where she worked up until taking early retirement in 1998. At that time she decided to become more involved in local politics and eventually ran for the office of Mayor in 1999.

Message to Residents:

Dear Resident:

Welcome to our town's new interactive web site powered by Cit-e-Net. Our new interactive web site gives you direct access to your town government on-line, around the clock, on your schedule. We can now offer you the ability to download and fill out forms, apply for permits and licenses, report problems and submit service requests to the town quickly and easily. We also now have the capability to allow on-line payments and we are working towards a plan for implementing this capability for specific applications in the near future. We have selected to work with Cit-e-Net in our continuing effort to provide you, our residents, with the highest and best level of affordable services from the town. Please utilize this new interactive web site to enhance and maintain a direct communication with me and our town so that we will continue to be open to your suggestions and inputs.