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Contacts Directory

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Department: Schools

Don't place your constituents on "hold" waiting to speak with the proper municipal contact.

Enable web site users to quickly find the proper municipal contact in your organization with your 
online contact directory, which can be interactively updated with the most current contact information by municipal staff.   
Board of Education
Name Address Phone
Ms. Alicia Smith, Board Member
Tel Ms. Alicia Smith's555-555-5577
Dr. Jane Doe, President
Tel Dr. Jane Doe's555-555-5555
Don Jones, Vice President
Tel Don Jones's555-555-5566
Building Department
Name Address Phone
Robert Jones, Building Inspector
Town Hall, 1500 Columbus Avenue, Your Town, NJ 00000  
Tel Robert Jones's555-555-5555
Name Address Phone
Adele Smith, Borough Clerk
Town Hall, 1500 Columbus Avenue, Your Town, NJ 00000  
Tel Adele Smith's555-555-5555
Name Address Phone
Sheila Yeats, Comptroller
Town Hall, 1500 Columbus Avenue, Your Town, NJ 00000  
Tel Sheila Yeats's555-555-5555
Mayor's Office
Name Address Phone
Beverly Johnson, Mayor
1500 Columbus Avenue, Your Town, NJ 00000  
Tel Beverly Johnson's555-555-5555
Ernie Shaker, Deputy Mayor
Town Hall, 1500 Columbus Avenue, Your Town, NJ 00000  
Tel Ernie Shaker's555-555-5555 Fax 555-555-6666
Doug Chaucer, Office Manager
Town Hall, 1500 Columbus Avenue, Your Town, NJ 00000  
Tel Doug Chaucer's555-555-5555
Name Address Phone
Richard Joseph, Director
Town Hall, 1500 Columbus Avenue, Your Town, NJ 00000  
Tel Richard Joseph's555-555-5555
Police Department
Name Address Phone
Mark Marx, Chief Of Police
Town Hall, 1500 Columbus Avenue, Your Town, NJ 00000  
Tel Mark Marx's555-555-5555 Fax 555-555-5555
Name Address Phone
Mark Markson, Director
Town Hall, 1500 Columbus Avenue, Your Town, NJ 00000  
Tel Mark Markson's555-555-5555 Fax 555-555-5555
Name Address Phone
Steve Johnson, Director
Town Hall, 1500 Columbus Avenue, Your Town, NJ 08854  
Tel Steve Johnson's201-555-5694 Fax 201-555-5699
Tax Office
Name Address Phone
Sam Keats, Tax Collector
Town Hall, 1500 Columbus Avenue, Your Town, NJ 00000  
Tel Sam Keats's555-555-5555
Town Council
Name Address Phone
Richard Lamberdun, Council President
Town Hall, YourTown, NJ 00000  
Tel Richard Lamberdun's555-555-5555
Bill Theiss, Councilman-At-Large
Town Hall, YourTown, NJ 00000  
Tel Bill Theiss's555-555-5555
Town Legal Counsel
Name Address Phone
Gabe Milton, Paralegal
Town Hall, 1500 Columbus Avenue, Your Town, NJ 00000  
Tel Gabe Milton's555-555-5555 Fax 555-555-5555
Bob Smith, Attorney
Town Hall, 1500 Columbus Avenue, Your Town, NJ 00000  
Tel Bob Smith's555-555-5555