Meeting Schedules
Department: Schools
The Board meets at least twice a month. Meetings are open to the public. Your Board encourages your attendance and participation at all meetings. Please feel free to express your comments, questions and concerns. During all Board meetings, opportunities are provided for the public to speak. These items are noted on the agenda. If you wish to speak, please raise your hand and be recognized by the presiding officer. Before you speak, please identify yourself. Regular Board meetings, for this year, will be held at 8:00 p.m. (with exceptions noted) in the Cresskill High School Board Conference Room according to the following schedule: |
As required in Chapter 231, Laws of 1975, commonly cited as the “Open Public Meeting Act”, the Cresskill Board of Education posts the following Notice: Executive or closed sessions may be held to discuss such matters as personnel, litigation and negotiations. While, by law, the public is excluded from these sessions, formal Board action on these matters is taken only at an official public meeting. At the annual school election, voters choose members of the nine member Board of Education and cast ballots for the amount of money that must be raised through local taxation to support the proposed school budget for the coming year. To be eligible to vote, residents must be at least 18 years old on the date of the election and citizens of the United States. Residents must have been living in the state and county for 30 days before the election. Anyone registered to vote in general elections may also vote in school elections. Absentee ballots may be obtained from the Board of Education Office or at any school office. We encourage you to vote in the school elections. |