Please read the information below before using the Internet to submit an online payment to Your Town. If you agree and want to proceed, please click the "ACCEPT" button at the bottom of this web page to continue with the online payment process. By continuing this process, you are electronically authorizing this transaction.
This payment process is provided as a convenience by Your Town. When you choose this payment option, you authorize your bank to directly transfer the amount you specify from your bank account to an account for the municipality.
As always, however, the responsibility for ensuring that Your Town receives payment of the proper amount in a timely fashion remains with the payer. It's up to you the payer to make sure that all your information is entered correctly and that money is available in your account to cover the transfer. If there are insufficient funds, the municipality will not be considered paid.
Credit Card Payments (Convenience-Fee Applies)
Note: If you pay by credit card, you will be required to pay an additional processing charge that will be calculated and displayed to you prior to your credit card payment submission. This additional fee is required to cover the credit card processor fees.
You should see a digital receipt webpage display after your payment submission is received, and an electronic message confirming your submission of payment through this online service. If you do not, you should call Your Town at 555-555-5555.
Your Town makes no representation, guarantee, or warranty as to the accuracy, truthfulness, completeness, currency, or suitability of any content provided on or linked to the payment pages and specifically disclaims any and all liability for any claim or damage that may result from using the payment pages.
Your Town provides the online payment pages to allow payment over the Internet solely as a convenience to its member payers. Your Town is not responsible for the accuracy, truthfulness, completeness, currency, or suitability of any statement, information, data, text, message, or other material posted on or linked to the payment pages or for the use or application of any such content. By using the payment pages, you represent that you have read and agree to be bound by these terms.
Your Town does not use the information you provide in these payment pages for any purpose other than processing and posting your payment. Your Town does not share this information with any person, entity, or organization that is not a party to the transaction. It does not sell the information you provide. It does not "data mine" the information. Your Town may make the information available to customer service and/or support representatives to facilitate your payment processing and inquiries, however.
Your Town is committed to protecting the confidentiality of your account numbers and the other information that you provide. This payment process employs secure servers and encryption in communications over the Internet. What that means, simply, is that your information is scrambled for security as it travels across the Internet.
2021 Pool Policies & Procedures Disclaimer
I, as an individual or as a representative of my entire family, acknowledge the following policies, restrictions, and abnormal circumstances surrounding the 2021 pool season due to the ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic and public health concern that has followed the initial pandemic:
No refunds will be provided, all membership enrollments are final.
At a minimum the following policies & restrictions are in effect, and the club reserves the right to expand upon these policies, create new policies, close further amenities or facilities, or close the entire pool facility if required to do so by any applicable governing authority. Additionally, the club will comply with any and all directions or requests from applicable governing authorities that may require us to adjust or add to any or all of these policies.
The pool will open by reservation only with a maximum capacity of 150 families eligible to visit per session. Reservations will be accepted online beginning 7 days in advance up until the session is “sold out”. Once a session is “sold out”, you must reserve for another session. Members are limited to reserving 1 session per day.
Your Town makes no guarantee that every member account will be able to successfully reserve for a session of their choice or be guaranteed to visit the pool every day.
Example of planned schedule (this planned schedule is subject to change)
• Monday – Thursday
o Children’s pool & swim/dive teams 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM
o Entire facility 11 AM until 2 PM and 3 PM until 7 PM
• Friday, Saturday, & Sunday (includes Memorial Day & Labor Day)
o 9 AM until 11 AM
o 12 PM until 3 PM
o 4 PM until 7 PM
• Early morning swim will be available Monday through Thursday and the club will participate in the Westchester County swim & dive summer season.
Please note, these session windows are subject to change. If the club does not sustain an abnormally high demand, we plan on expanding the time of these sessions. Conversely, if Monday through Thursday demand is high we may have to add an extra session and reduce the time allotted to each session.
If a session is not reserved to full capacity 30 minutes before the time that sessions is about to start, members who had visited the pool earlier that day may return to the pool after completing a new online reservation.
Please avoid congregating at the check in booth. Please wait in or at your vehicle until we begin to check people in at the start of each session. Please maintain 6 feet of distance from others or wear a face covering during the check in process.
The club’s staff will sound a 15 minute warning and 5 minute warning before a sessions is ending. At the end of the session a final notice will be made. The restrooms will be closed at the end each session. Members will be required to promptly leave the facility so that the staff may begin the cleaning process.
At all times – members of a family must maintain a 6 foot distance from other individuals, including when in the water, or a face covering must be worn. Face coverings are not permitted in the water. When using a restroom, individuals must wear a face covering. Individual 2 years of age or younger are not required to wear a face covering.
The club’s staff will undertake extensive cleaning and disinfection efforts after the end of each use-session, but members are advised to protect themselves by complying with all government issued mask-wearing mandates, using hand sanitizers after contacting surfaces at the facility, and washing their hands diligently. Members who are uncomfortable with being in busy areas should avoid sessions that are near or at capacity.
The following services, programs, and amenities will not be available:
• Pool loungers and chairs will not be provided; you must bring your own.
o Chairs may not be placed within 10 feet of the pool edge.
• Only Coast Guard approved flotation devices are permitted.
• Guests will not be allowed.
• Water fountains will not be available.
• Umbrellas may not be adjusted. Weather permitting, umbrellas will be kept open and must not be touched or adjusted by pool visitors.
• No shared recreational items will be provided (athletic equipment, ping pong, giant chess, etc…)
• Indoor showers will not be available. Please plan accordingly.
The following services, programs, and amenities that were not available in 2020 will now be available at least at the start of the pool season:
• Some tables & chairs, spaced out for social distancing, at snack bar.
• The diving boards will be open.
• The playground will be open.
• Seasonal locker rentals will be available.
• The ice machine and water dispenser will be available.
Due to requiring that all readily available areas be accessible for seating in order to provide families with adequate space to socially distance – we will not allow visitors to play games with their own sporting equipment except for on the basketball and volleyball courts.
There will be a maximum of 2 swimmers per lap lane.
The snack bar will have a limited menu with meals ready-to-go, pre-packaged snacks, ice cream, and beverages for sale. Bringing your own alcoholic beverages or glass containers is strictly prohibited. Members who have specific food allergies, nutritional requirements, or dietary restrictions may bring their own meals provided that they clean up after themselves.
Non-residents are assessed a $75 surcharge by Your Town which is already included within the your individual invoice.
All other applicable parts of the club’s policies, rules, and regulations as outlined on the Membership Application and within the membership handbook will remain in place.
All fees must be paid online. Members who wish to avoid a surcharge for credit transactions may pay in full via “e-check” without any additional fees.