Attendance Matters

Early Literacy Highlights

Early Literacy Work Session Notes

Employability Work Session Notes

Chronic Absenteeism Session Notes

Chronic Absenteeism Session Summary

Summit Literacy Break-Out Session

Action Plan


Completed December 16, 2015

Notify the White House that you will participate provide a designated point of contact on your staff, confirm your pledge to build and execute a plan to accomplish as many of the goals listed below as possible, and announce your acceptance of the challenge with a press release or media statement.

A. Ensure all children enter school cognitively, physically, socially and emotionally ready

B. Ensure all children read at grade level by 3rd grade

C. Ensure all youth graduate from high school  

D. Ensure all youth complete post-secondary education or training

E. Ensure all youth out of school are employed

F. Ensure all youth remain safe from violent crime



This effort will require a coalition of partners with an ownership stake in the strategy, and a sense of empowerment to help lead the effort.    Within 45 days of accepting the President’s Challenge, host a Local Action Summit with key stakeholders to assess needs and assets, determine priorities, and set concrete goals.  


STEP #3: CONDUCT A POLICY REVIEW & FORM RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ACTION  - Approximate completion date April 14, 2016

Following your Local Action Summit, direct a working group of pertinent government stakeholders to scour existing local policies, programs, and practices in search of ways to introduce or expand on existing efforts to better serve the needs of the community’s youth.  The working group should assess the impact of both existing and proposed programs.  Within 120 days of accepting the President’s Challenge, this body should produce a report with recommendations for action on your selected areas of focus (from Step 1), standards for tracking and sharing data across public agencies and community partners, and structural recommendations for institutionalizing the effort until goals are reached.  


STEP #4: LAUNCH A PLAN OF ACTION, NEXT STEPS & A TIMETABLE FOR REVIEW  - Approximate completion date June 6, 2016

Within 180 days of accepting the President’s Challenge, convene key partners to publicly launch a plan of action for accomplishing selected goals based off the results of your policy review.    It should include a protocol for tracking data, benchmarks and timelines for review to ensure the transparent assessment of progress towards goals, and the open examination and retooling of ineffective strategies.    Include a blueprint for resourcing your efforts which outlines plans to use or redirect existing resources, new public or private sector commitments, and specific areas where additional commitments, investment, or partnership could help your community reach its MBK goals and help potential new partners target their involvement.