Dog & Cat Licensing
Dogs and cats over seven (7) months old must be registered in the Town Clerk’s office. The fee for a dog license is $16.00 if spayed or neutered and $19.00 if not. The fee for a cat license is $10.00 if spayed or neutered and $13.00 if not. After January 31st of each year, there is an additional $8.00 late charge per license.
Proof of rabies inoculation is required and must be valid through November 1st of the current licensing year. Please feel free to call the Clerk's office if you need additional information.
Animal licensing is now available for the year 2018. Renewal reminders were mailed on December 11, 2017. Licenses may be obtained through the mail or in person during normal business hours in the Town Clerk Office. All renewals must be obtained by January 31 of the renewal year in order to avoid a late fee. All rabies vaccinations must NOT EXPIRE BEFORE November 1 of the renewal year, no exceptions; except for medical reasons confirmed with letter from veterinarian. Please note that all cat and dog (over 6 months old) owners are responsible to obtain a license whether or not a renewal reminder is received.